In the Menu Title box, type the name of the command exactly as it appears in the application’s menu. From the All Applications drop down menu, choose the app for which you want to add the shortcut. Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Keyboard, then click Input Sources. Go to the Keyboard pane in System Preferences. To use this method, you must select the “Use Caps Lock to switch to and from” option in the Input Sources pane. Use the Caps Lock key: Press the Caps Lock key to switch between a non-Latin input source (such as Chinese or Korean) and a Latin input source (such as French or English). If an input source is dimmed, the current app doesn’t support it. Use the Input menu: Click the Input menu in the menu bar, then choose an input source. To switch between input sources, do any of the following: Take a look at the following information: I recorded the macro thusly: 2) Assigned keyboard shortcut: CTRL+E. Then I pre-selected a text to use while recording the macro. I'd like to outline some other possible ways to do this aside from using the Input menu like you mentioned. You CAN make a macro in Word 2016 for MAC to change language of selected text, but FIRST you need to create a keyboard shortcut to Tools/language since you cant use the mouse in creating the macro. I understand that you're looking to quickly switch between languages while typing on your Mac.